วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Planet X ย้ายตำแหน่งดวงดาว

Planet X ย้ายตำแหน่งดวงดาวได้อย่างไร


การหักเหของแสง และสีบางคลื่นเช่นสีแดงถูกแรงโน้มถ่วง ทำให้แสงเดินทางเป็นแนวโค้ง ดังนั้นสิ่งที่ตามองเห็นแสงสะท้อนต่างๆ อาจเป็นเพียงภาพลวงตา

Brilliant Planets

It is a known fact that gravity can bend light rays. In astronomy, this causes a phenomena where a planet or star will appear brighter than normal, as it pulls light rays to it so the light appears to be coming FROM it, from that direction. Light bent by gravity is also the Zeta explanation for our very orange sunrise and sunsets, the Sun huge at those times and then shrinking as it rises. Red light is more bendable than full spectrum light, and thus we SEE it as it bends along the curvature of the Earth at sunset and sunrise, bending back as it fans out to distort the size of the Sun too. Other light spectrums move at a straight line from the Sun, which is over the horizon, thus not arriving at our eyes.

Illustration of gravitational bending - light from a star is bent by the strong gravitational field of the Sun. The effect of this is that the star appears to be in a different position.

Light is affected by gravity. Gravity can change the direction of travel of light.

ZetaTalk Explanation 2/15/1997:
The human eye receives in the dim light of dawn or dusk an overwhelming flood of light composed of particular particles which are more prone to bend toward the gravitational pull of the Earth than other particles.

On May 10, 2011 Several planets were grouped in the sky, in a position to rise just before dawn as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere – Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. They were grouped to be viewed where Planet X would be seen as the Second Sun, if light from the Sun were to glint off its vast dust cloud. What was seen that morning, in Hawaii and captured on film, were the three planets, brilliantly lit as never before seen. What could cause this gathering of light but a gravity object in that position, drawing the light there so it appears to be FROM that position. This is yet another proof that Planet X is riding the Ecliptic there.

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uauuaaTLA98&sns=fb

Elenin Gullibility

The scam that a mere dirty snowball, due to pass the vicinity of Earth this coming October, will cause catastrophe on Earth is amazing but per the Zetas, not surprising. People are gullible, particularly when nervous about the Earth changes.

ZetaTalk Comment 7/16/2011:
Denial takes many forms and can exist in degrees, and even reside side-by-side with acceptance of reality. People who are distressed by reality will grasp at anything that removes the discomfort and returns them to their former comfort level. They may dither, and vacillate, between denial and acceptance, and this is quite common. So much better for all the rumors about a coming cataclysm to be related to a mere dirty snowball, a common comet! Lots of hype about looking at the sky, anticipation, and the suspicion that myths about past cataclysms in the past connected to something passing in the sky merely confusion about comets. Ah, one can go back to live as normal again. Until reality starts to intrude.

Yes it’s a real comet, but the hype is a lie designed to make people think the increasing signs in the skies and Earth changes are caused by a comet and will pass. NASA itself is not making these claims, though is making claims of a close fly-by. But the cover-up over the presence of Planet X employs minions, and they are spreading the lie. Per the Zetas, this is 1,000% a distraction from the REAL thing – Planet X.

NASA’s Buzz about Comet Elenin
March 28, 2011
What is known is that Elenin is scheduled to make its perihelion turn around the sun in August of this year [2011]. Shortly after making its u-turn, Elenin will perform a fly-by of Earth, coming within 21,000,000 miles of Earth. As a point of reference, the moon is roughly 240,000 miles from Earth.

Will Earthbound Comet Fulfill 2012 Prophecy?
March 22, 2011
Though it's now over twice as far away from Earth than the sun is, comet Elenin has already been blamed for triggering earthquakes and shifting Earth's rotation axis. The comet has also been accused of melting ice on Mars and stirring up a storm on Saturn. It's predicted to flip Earth's magnetic field.

ZetaTalk Comment 3/12/2011:
The establishment is desperate for a distraction, some object to point to when Planet X or its Moon Swirls appear in the skies. They hope the common man will be confused, and assume these are Comet Elenin! Oh, I read about that, Comet Elenin, due to arrive at this time. Thus, immense publicity is done, to flood the mind of the common man with anything but the truth. This is just another tiny comet, a dirty snowball that means nothing. But watch for this to get regular reports on the news, with dramatic photos taken and enhanced.

Hale-Bopp, back in 1995-1997, was a similar scam,
designed to distract people and back then to get them looking in the WRONG direction! While ZetaTalk was encouraging the public to look toward Orion, the Hale-Bopp crowd was encouraging people to look in the opposite direction. In those days, Hoagland was part of the disinformation, and he is playing the SAME role today with the little dirty snowball, comet Elenin. In both instances, he claimed the comets were under intelligent control. And look who is relating these two comets, in the same sentence, NASA’s Don Yeomans! If you’re looking for the cover-up artists, you need look no further than Richard Hoagland and Don Yeomans.

ZetaTalk Comment 11/16/1996:
Hoagland's early conclusion that what NASA was calling Hale-Bopp was an object under intelligent control gave the conspirators a way out. They planned and are now executing a maneuver to both bury their fraud while at the same time continuing to distract mankind from the search for Planet X in Orion.

Top US Space Expert Issues Catastrophic Warning On Comet Elenin
July 8, 2011
A grim warning was issued this past week by the former NASA consultant and noted US space expert Richard C. Hoagland that the newly discovered comet named Elenin that is fast approaching our Sun is under “intelligent control” and heralds a warning to all humanity of a great Global catastrophe soon to come.

Comet Elenin: Preview of a Coming Attraction
May 4, 2011
Said Yeomans. "Some cometary visitors arriving from beyond the planetary region – like Hale-Bopp in 1997 - have really lit up the night sky.“

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